Welcome to the Keto Swap Tool, with 100+ low carb and keto friendly products sorted by category! Find some great ideas for your keto shopping list with keto diet friendly alternatives for your everyday favorites and guilty pleasures.
Updated often, the products on our list are available to purchase online and shipped to your door, so you can easily build out your low carb and keto grocery list online!
We knock out the majority of our keto shopping list online because in a specialty diet field, we have found it more difficult to find obscure items for your keto foods list at the local grocery store.
Click on the categories below to view some high carb food examples and corresponding low carb alternative products you can buy instead!

High Carb
- White Bread
- Whole Grain / Whole Wheat Bread
- Pita Bread
High Carb
- Cereal sweetened with sugar (honey, corn syrup, etc.)
- Whole Grain Oat Cereal
- Corn or Wheat Flake Cereal
- Cereals with added dried fruit
High Carb
- Ice cream sweetened with sugar or syrup
- Sorbet
- Frozen Custard
- Low fat ice cream
High Carb
- Corn Tortilla Chips
- Rice Flour Chips
High Carb
- Sugar-sweetened, grain-based cookies
- Fiber Biscuits
- Oatmeal Cookies
- Ginger Snaps
- Shortbread
- Wafers
High Carb
- Wheat crackers and thins
- Multi-grain crackers
- Club crackers
- Cheddar crackers
- Fiber crackers
High Carb
- Honey/Sugar Granola Bars
- Cashew/Date-based Natural Bars
- Fruit & Nut Bars
- Chewy Bars
- Rice puff bars
High Carb
- Grain-based flour pancake mix
- Frozen wheat flour waffles
High Carb
- Pure Maple Syrup
- Breakfast Syrups
High Carb
- Miracle Whip
- Low Fat / Reduced Fat Mayo
High Carb
- Sugar Fruit Preserves
- Grape or Berry Jellies
- Strawberry Jam
High Carb
- Whole Milk
- 1-2% Milk
- Fat-Free Milk/Skim Milk
- Half-and-Half
- Sweetened non-dairy milk (soy milk, flax milk)
High Carb
- Honey
- Cane Sugar
- Coconut Sugar
- Fruit Juice Concentrates
High Carb
- Chocolate Milk (Low Fat or Whole Milk)
- Chocolate Milk Drink Powders with sugar
- Organic Chocolate Milk
- Non-Dairy Chocolate Milk
High Carb
- Spaghetti Noodles
- Fettuccine Noodles
High Carb
- Instant Oatmeal
- Steel Cut Oats
High Carb
- Most fruity yogurts
- Most Greek yogurts
- Most Plain/Unsweetened Yogurts
- Flavored yogurts
High Carb
- Fruit Juice Pouches
- Juice Boxes
- Veggie Fruit Juices
- Smoothies
- Sports Drinks
- Fruit Juices (Orange, Apple, etc.)
High Carb
- Honey/Sugar Sweetened Peanut Butter
- Most No-Stir Peanut Butters
High Carb
- Wheat Flour Hot Dog buns
- Wheat Flour Hamburger Buns
High Carb
- Sugar or Corn Syrup sweetened Tomato Ketchup
High Carb
- Molasses based sauces
- Brown sugar sweetened sauces
- Sauces sweetened with honey
High Carb
- Cashews
- Pistachios
High Carb
- Honey/Sugar Sweetened Beef Jerky
- Asian, Teriyaki flavors
High Carb
- Rice Noodles
- Egg Noodles
- Glass Noodles / Bean Thread Noodles
- Vermicelli
High Carb
- White Rice
- Brown Rice
- Sticky Rice
High Carb
- Corn Tortillas
- Flour Tortillas
- Some Wraps
High Carb
- Grain and gluten-based pizza crusts
High Carb
- Dark Chocolate
- Milk Chocolate
- Chocolate Chips
- Chocolate Syrup
High Carb
- Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups
High Carb
- Brownie Mixes with Sugar
- Most pre-made packaged brownies
High Carb
- Chocolate Cake
- Vanilla Cake
- Cake Bites
High Carb
- ZONE Bars
- PowerBars
- KIND Bars
- Luna Bars
- Clif Bars
- RXBars
High Carb
- Sweetened Latte Drinks
- Sugar-sweetened Iced Coffee
High Carb
- Liquid Sugar Sweetener
- Coffee Syrup flavors sweetened with sugar
High Carb
- Whole Milk
- Half & Half
- Skim Milk
- Un-refrigerated, sweetened, flavored creamers/powders
How do I use this?
The Keto Swap Tool provides our favorite low carb, keto-friendly products that are the best diet-friendly alternatives in each category.
The first column describes conventional products that generally contain a large amount of carbohydrates.
The second column contains links to low carb equivalents to the high-sugar, high-carb products in the first column.
What qualifies for low carb?
The Low Carb column describes the carbohydrate content in relative terms to their higher carb counterparts.
Low carb can also mean low glycemic, meaning while the carb counts may be only slightly lower in some products, the glycemic index might be drastically lower.
Is everything keto-friendly?
Ketosis is a metabolic state where fat is the favored source to provide energy to your body and brain. In this state, fat is burned to generate ketones which are a usable source of energy.
Since every person’s ability to enter ketosis differs, whether or not a product is “keto” can only be determined on a per-person basis.
Each of the products listed are lower in content than their higher carb counterparts. Each product’s net carbohydrate content will be within a range that can fit into a low carb and/or ketogenic diet.
Please use this tool as a general guide and always consider the macronutrient content of each product and how it fits into your daily goals.