Howdy fellow health-loving humans! Thanh & Sonja here.

Since we started Convenient Keto a few years back, the keto diet landscape has experienced dramatic growth.

During this time we’ve seen many keto dieters succeed. However, we have seen even more fail to sustain their results long-term.

We’ve been enjoying keto for almost 4 years as of this writing and, it’s safe to say, this is a permanent lifestyle for us.

But, we aren’t “disciplined” in the traditional dieting sense. We definitely don’t stick to the 25g or so daily net carbs that pretty much everyone prescribes. So, how are we doing it?

We attribute our continued success to our purposely not-super-strict keto lifestyle. It might sound too simple, but it’s our “secret.”

If you’re like us, (probably true if you’ve found your way onto this blog), you’re likely open to more convenient keto-friendly food options. Some of these products might not be ultra-low-carb. There’s nothing wrong with that, but many people out there try to make keto more difficult than it has to be.

We strive to make it easier.

And that’s why we’re starting an ACTUAL blog on our site to complement all our existing health articles, guides, recipes, and product lists. What better time than a brand new decade in 2020!

We’ve researched keto ingredients endlessly, endured way too many glucose-testing finger pricks and tried just about every keto product on the market. In the process, we’ve discovered a lot of ways to make keto easier, more convenient and work much more efficiently within today’s society.

We can’t wait to share with you everything we’ve discovered.

The blog will be pretty informal, with more bite-sized posts and, I don’t know, maybe even include some humor! I mean, if there’s one thing we know for sure, it’s that people who are looking to lose weight could definitely lighten up a bit. (Sorry, too easy)

So with that, thanks for reading our very first official blog post. We’ve got a whole lot more where that came from.

See you in the next post!

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