Keto Friendly Mayo Brands – What to Avoid & Why!
Are you wondering, “Is mayo keto?” Well, we’ve got the scoop on keto-friendly mayonnaise options that will satisfy your low-carb cravings. In this article, we’ll explore the top 5 keto mayo brands that are perfect for your keto lifestyle. Of course, mayonnaise is one of those condiments that doesn’t get a lot of the lime light these days. (See: Sriracha and Gochujang). However, it’s a crucial component of numerous foods. Tuna salad, egg salad, and a ton of salad dressings…
Top 5 Low Carb Tortillas on Keto You Can Buy
Tortillas are a staple of Mexican food cuisine. Burritos, tacos, tortilla chips and enchiladas all depend on them! However, they are also relatively high in carbohydrate content and are generally made with ingredients that are more prone to spike your blood glucose levels. But that’s where low carb tortillas come in. These more keto-friendly, low carb tortillas use slightly different ingredients to lower the total amount of carbs to support the low carb diet market. We list and compare the…
7 Best Keto Jelly Brands & Low Carb Jams
Jelly is one of those foods you don’t realize you miss until you can’t have it. Like when you are craving a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, or you’re out for breakfast and you’re thinking about going to town on some jam with buttered toast. You need keto jelly. Go to any diner in America for breakfast and you’ll likely find a mountain of assorted spreadable jellies for your enjoyment. But these are certainly not low carb jelly options. That’s…
Where To Buy Keto Bread? 10 Best Keto Bread Brands to Buy
It’s pretty eye-opening just how much bread is present in the modern diet. This is even more apparent once you embark on low carb and ketogenic diets. Think about it: hamburgers, hot dogs, grilled cheese sandwiches, sub sandwiches, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, flatbread, toast, breadsticks, french toast, garlic bread, dipping bread… the list goes on and on. We get around this dilemma by coming up with alternatives like lettuce wrapping burgers or placing ridiculously complicated food orders while eating out….

Sonja & Thanh: foodies at heart, globetrotters and avid discoverers of keto, low carb and organic products. Based out of Austin, Texas, we scour the world for food options that fit our healthy, active lifestyles.
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